One mom's attempt at capturing all that inspires her . . .

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Obsessing . . .

The severe winter we are experiencing has really put a damper on my creativity.  I have to make the best of being confined to my home and try to get some work done.  I get my first idea for the assignment, skin! I will photograph a variety of body parts from the members of my family, cropping the images and give them some sort of obscurity; I am looking for texture. I get this idea after looking at my mothers hand; she is young looking for 54 but not her hands, they look older today.  I take them, but I am not satisfied.  I try other things too but find that I am not happy with one image.  I start to cook.  I can't stop thinking about the assignment and I pick up my camera again.  I will photograph my spices as I go along.  Here I go again, making a mess. I pull out different pieces of china and plate the spices but it doesn't look right. I try the granite countertop, getting closer but what else? Then I place them on bamboo cutting boards and my distressed wood table, this works best.  I ransack the pantry, now I am shooting everything.


  1. I know how this feels. As an artist we start out with an idea of what we would like to create only to find that that thing has a mind of it's own. Sometimes I don't feel my art comes from me but rather through me. I'm starting to realize I'm just along for the ride but if I surrender to it , it always becomes what it was meant to be! Beautiful work , I love the spices!

  2. Excellent choice. Food is a great medium for photography. There are so many different colors and textures and variations and it can sometimes be overwhelming. You did a great job in conveying foods complexity by showing some the simplest and most beautiful ingredients that people sometimes overlook. I especially like the last photo in the series.

  3. THis winter has been keeping everyone confined in home and it makes taking pictures very difficult. I think you did a great job with photographing food for you obsessions project.

  4. I really like the way you framed these images. For example, the third image down I liked how you included the little embroidery of the table cloth. Also, the fourth image down I enjoy the way you have half the mug and saucer and then on the other corner beans. Very nice images.

  5. The composition in all of these photos is very beautiful. Really great subject matter, you worked with it well.

  6. All the images are framed perfectly and the one I find to be the strongest is the one with all the spices. There is so much texture going on and to match the spice texture you capture the woods texture also. Nice job.

  7. Amazing selection of pictures, and really awesome idea of photographing objects in your kitchen. The last picture stands out to me with all of the different colors and texture from the various spices.

  8. I really enjoyed this pictures. I could see these in like a magazine or something like Good Housekeeping. Very good work as usual.
