This is a composite image I had made from a combination of five separate photos. The back ground is Ocean Grove beach and the three buildings and plane have been digitally inserted. They are the beautiful, historical buildings of Asbury Park located on the boardwalk. I was so happy that in the original image I was able to capture that gentleman walking away from the beach.
This is an image consisting of several photographs of my daughters and my niece. They decided to jump in the water on an uncharacteristically warm November day! The positions I had captured of their little fluttering bodies running in and out of the water inspired me to create this image. I placed the youngest one in the bunch, Riley, at the base of this spiraling pyramid because she looked particularly strong in this image making her the foundation.
What if the animals took over the circus? These animals have had enough! It appears that they have eaten the rind master and have place me in their cage! I am having a little fun while trying to learn photoshop! (This is a combination of about twenty different images).
I never saw the circus picture. Very nice. They still have a lot of antique circus books in the used section at the back of the B& N on Route 17 SOuth in Paramus. You should check it out!